Mike Holt's Illustrated Guide to Understanding Fundamental NEC Requirements Textbook based on 2023 NEC
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This textbook provides you with an introduction to the Code rules you’ll need in order to be an effective electrician. The majority of installations share a common set of Code rules and this textbook will introduce you to many of those. The content was carefully selected to help you be more effective on the job and to get you ready to take your learning to the next level.
This material will introduce things like, how many wires can fit in a box, the ampacity of a certain size conductor, or how big a raceway needs to be for the conductors you’re going to install. These topics will be introduced in a basic format to make them easy to learn. We’ll come back in later books to build on what you learn in this material to prepare you for your licensing exam.
Product Code: 23FUNDNEC ISBN: 978-1-950431-70-0 Practice Questions: 724 Price: $55.00
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