Free Resources

We strive to provide as much as we can to the industry at no charge and have assembled links and publications for your use on this Free Stuff page. We encourage you to share these resources with employees, peers, students and anyone else you feel can benefit from this information.

We also wanted to let you know that when you’re ready to take an electrical exam, or need continuing education, we are here to help you. Click here to see our full range of training products. To see our list of approved CEU courses across the country Click here. Are you an instructor? If so, Click here for additional information about how we can support your program.

We are proud to partner with you in serving this industry and if we can ever help you in any way, please let us know, 888.632.2633.

Please note: We don’t endorse, warrant, or take responsibility for other products or services listed on these pages. Please work safely, and adopt all safety and applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Mike Holt Enterprises disclaims liability either directly or indirectly on injuries, property damages, or other damages that are the result of readers using the material on these pages.

We strive to provide as much as we can to the industry at no charge and have assembled links and publications for your use on this Free Stuff page. We encourage you to share these resources with employees, peers, students and anyone else you feel can benefit from this information.

We also wanted to let you know that when you’re ready to take an electrical exam, or need continuing education, we are here to help you. Click here to see our full range of training products. To see our list of approved CEU courses across the country Click here. Are you an instructor? If so, Click here for additional information about how we can support your program.

We are proud to partner with you in serving this industry and if we can ever help you in any way, please let us know, 888.632.2633.

Please note: We don’t endorse, warrant, or take responsibility for other products or services listed on these pages. Please work safely, and adopt all safety and applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Mike Holt Enterprises disclaims liability either directly or indirectly on injuries, property damages, or other damages that are the result of readers using the material on these pages.

Code Forum

Code Forum

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Code Tip Daily

Code Tip Daily

Review and train with the daily Code Rule


Charts & Calculators

Industry Publications

Wiring charts, calculations, and more


Job Board

Job Board

Electrical industry job listings




Industry articles and links — grouped by category


Mike Holt Publications

Mike Holt Publications

Industry Manuals and Booklets




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Technical Resources

Technical Resources

Electrical Professional Resources by category




Library of Mike’s video clips


We specialize in electrical training:

CEUs Exam Preparation NEC Training Schools All Products

Need continuing education?


For over 25 years Mike Holt Enterprises has been the leader in Electrical Continuing Education.

  • Questions to test your progress
  • Excellent Customer Support
  • Approved in 32 states
  • Available in Online and live formats
  • Extensive use of the industry's best graphics
  • Content written by Mike Holt