If you want to really understand the National Electrical Code, this library is for you. Learn from NEC Expert, Mike Holt, in this best-selling program where he captures his Code knowledge into one systematic training program. For decades Mike has been one of the foremost experts in teaching people how to understand the NEC and its applications. His ability to translate the NEC into everyday terms has made this program a powerful tool for individuals wanting to be knowledgeable about the National Electrical Code. The program is a must-have for all electrical professionals: Inspectors, Engineers, Estimators, Instructors, Contractors, and Electricians.
This program is effective because it:
Combines Mike’s unique direct writing style, along with a series of videos in Code order, that showcase experts from all over the industry in a round table moderated classroom setting
Includes full-color illustrations that have been hailed as “the best in the industry” and help individuals understand exactly how to apply these rules in the real-world
Includes Electrical Theory, Understanding the NEC Volumes 1 & 2, Bonding and Grounding, Fundamental NEC Calculations, and Exam Preparation full-color textbooks with the Journeyman Electrician Practice Exam. Plus you get dynamic videos to cover all aspects of Theory, Code, and Calculations. Also includes the NEC Online Quiz, digital versions of each book, digital answer keys, and an online version of the Practice Exam.
Includes Electrical Theory, Understanding the NEC Volumes 1 & 2, Bonding and Grounding, Fundamental NEC Calculations, and Exam Preparation full-color textbooks with the Master Electrician Practice Exam. Plus you get dynamic videos to cover all aspects of Theory, Code, and Calculations. Also includes the NEC Online Quiz, digital versions of each book, digital answer keys, and an online version of the Practice Exam.
This Ultimate training toolbox includes Basic Electrical Theory, Understanding the National Electrical Code, Calculations and Exam Preparation, Solar Photovoltaics, and Business and Personal Development textbooks. Plus dynamic videos to cover all aspects of Theory, Calculations, the NEC, and business in a step-by-step, easy-to-follow format. Also includes digital versions of the books, and streaming audio.
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