Test your NEC knowledge with this in-depth workbook. The hundreds of NEC questions will help you learn how to quickly locate articles in your Code book and improve your score on any NEC exam. You will gain confidence with utilizing your Code book in an exam setting or on the job. This full-color workbook includes more than 1,500 NEC Practice questions in Code order that follow the Understanding the NEC Volume 1 textbook (Articles 90 – 480), along with two final exams, one in straight order and one in random order.
This is a great addition for individuals who have already worked through Mike’s best-selling Understanding the NEC products and a great tool for all electrical professionals who want to test their knowledge of the National Electrical Code.
Product Code: 23UN1WB ISBN: 978-1-950431-76-2 Practice Questions: 1574 Price: $45.00
Includes Understanding the NEC Volumes 1 & 2, Bonding and Grounding, Fundamental NEC Calculations full-color textbooks, and Understanding the NEC Workbook (Arts. 90-480). Plus you get plus dynamic videos, a digital version of each book and digital answer keys.
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