2017 Understanding the NEC, Volume 1 - Video Program
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This product is Part 1 of our best-selling Understanding the National Electrical Code video series. Thousands of Electricians across the US have learned and mastered the rules of the Code in this easy to use program. Part 1 covers Articles 90 through 480 as Mike breaks them down with thousands of full-color illustrations and clear and easy to understand examples. The videos provide an even broader explanation of how to apply the NEC. Watch Mike and his video team dissect the articles as they provide important feedback on how to apply them in the field.
There is no other product on the market that provides this type of in-depth code training. Order your copy today so you can learn from NEC Expert Mike Holt, and get the skills and knowledge you need to apply the code successfully in the field.
This product is ideal for everyone in the industry including electricians, contractors, inspectors, instructors, and engineers. Invest in your knowledge and get this best-selling series today.
This library includes:
Understanding the NEC Volume 1, Articles 90-450, textbook
27+ hours of streaming videos
PLUS! A digital version of the book
For details on the streaming videos, click on the Video Play Time button below.
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