Our best-selling Understanding the NEC DVD program has helped thousands of Electricians learn the code in an easy and powerful format. Part 1 covers articles 90 through 480 as Mike walks students through the most utilized rules and breaks them down through full-color illustrations and a small class format DVD where Mike hosts a panel of experts from all aspects of the trade to discuss each article, its meaning and its application in the real-world. There is no other product quite like this program that teaches you every article in such a complete and thorough way. When you need to know the code this program is the best tool you can use to start building your knowledge.
This library includes:
· Understanding the NEC Volume 1 Textbook · General Requirements Art. 90 - 110 DVD · Wiring and Protection Art. 200 - 285 DVD · Grounding Vs. Bonding Art. 250 (2) DVDs · Wiring Methods Art. 300 - 393 (2) DVDs · Equipment for General Use Art. 400 - 450 DVD
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Product Code: 14UN1DVD ISBN: 978-0-9903953-0-0 Practice Questions: 214 Price: $475.00
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Includes Understanding the NEC Volumes 1 & 2 full-color textbooks, and NEC Practice Questions workbook
plus 10-dynamic DVDs that cover the NEC in a step-by-step, easy to follow format plus a free bonus DVD1
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