This article was posted 02/21/2011 and is most likely outdated.

Shocking Truth about Quality of Solar Arrays


Topic - Solar PV Systems
Subject -
The Litterally Shocking Truth About the Quality of Solar Arrays

February 21, 2011
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The Literally Shocking Truth About the Quality of Solar Arrays

By George Musser
For Scientific American
Photos courtesy of Corey Asbill
Feb 14, 2011

Image1Solar panels are supposed to be a set-and-forget technology. Mine have performed just as advertised. All the installer said I need to do is look them over a couple of times a year and rinse off any dirt buildup. The approval and installation process had its delays and gaffes, but all’s well that ends well, I figure. But lately I’ve been feeling less sanguine. Solar experts have regaled me with tales of poor workmanship they find when they do spot checks of installed systems. As improperly installed joints corrode, connections loosen, and wires fray, we may be looking forward to a wave of breakdowns in the coming years. “Not only is there a potential for an increase in system failures, but there is also a potential for a rise in unsafe and potentially lethal situations,” says Corey Asbill of New Mexico State University.

I brought up workmanship last week in the context of municipal codes, permits and inspections. Installers complain about the costly and seemingly arbitrary requirements that many cities, towns and counties impose. But the other side of the story is that local officials have the important responsibility of watching over installers. A couple of people slammed me in the comments field for letting bureaucrats off too easily and giving ammunition to solar’s detractors, but they neglected to address the reality of sloppy installations. A bad fire or lethal electrocution could zap public enthusiasm for photovoltaic power and jack up insurance premiums for all solar homeowners, even those whose installers did everything by the book.

Asbill is an electrical engineer, certified installer and member of a Department of Energy “Tiger Team” that goes around the country offering solar expertise. He tells me about a talk he gave in November 2009 to a meeting of installers and inspectors in Sonoma County, Calif. “It was a really nerve-racking talk, to be honest,” he says. His team had spent several days scrutinizing a sample of 15 nearby solar arrays and finding safety hazards in every one. “I was standing before this crowd and pointing out their mistakes,” he recalls. “I was nervous.”

In an electrician’s version of Where’s Waldo, he put up photos of incorrectly installed equipment and asked the audience to spot what’s wrong. In the photo at the top of this post, for example, the red wires should be white. As code violations go, this one is fairly minor. A skilled electrician never trusts the color-coding, but lots of DIYers are not so savvy and might be led to assume a wire is hot, or not, based on its color.

Image2This double circuit breaker should have a warning label on it, indicating that the electricity is flowing into the service panel (from the solar array) rather than out (to an appliance or lamp). Again, a skilled electrician takes the right precautions regardless of what labels do or don’t say, but not everyone is so diligent.







Here, the installer used a nonstandard part. Asbill speculates that the installers got out to the site only to realize they didn’t bring the right part, so they scrounged around in their toolbox for a substitute. The system works, for now, but will probably wear out prematurely.






Image4This one is more serious. The terminal at the upper right should have a ground wire in it. Grounding protects you if one of the live wires ever becomes frayed and makes contact with the metal box. Without it, someone touching the box could be electrocuted.









Image5Look at these. The installer used grounding connectors meant for indoor use and they’re already corroded.






Image6It doesn’t take an experienced inspector to see that a dangling conductor can’t be good, either.







Image7Now this is a real doozy. The installer never put in AC emergency cutoff switches! So there’s no easy way to shut off the equipment if someone needs to work on it.








Despite Asbill’s initial nervousness, he says the audience took his critiques to heart. Sue Kateley, the executive director of the California Solar Energy Industries Association, raves about his presentation to this day. She has her own litany of complaints, such as a cracked electrical conduit that lets water in or is overstuffed with wires, causing mechanical wear. Greg Sellers, president of Burnham Energy, adds that many installers fail to check whether the general household wiring is up to snuff.

Asbill says he understands why installers cut corners and inspectors miss them. Both are overworked and undertrained. The solar industry is expanding so rapidly that education hasn’t kept up. Some states don’t even require electricians or roofers to get specialized training before they enter the solar trade.

Most installers guarantee their work for 10 years, but they don’t do regular check-ups. So I see a huge potential for after-sales service companies to step into the breach. Just as I get my boiler cleaned and checked each fall, I should get my panels examined annually to make sure everything is tight and nothing is hot. Such companies might also offer to upgrade panels when the technology improves enough to warrant it. Solar arrays may be rated for 25 years or longer, they won’t make it that long without some TLC.

This article, written by George Musser, appeared in Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc.

Image8Mike Holt’s recently released Understanding NEC Requirements for Solar Photovoltaic Systems covers all of these topics. Learn how to cross reference related code requirements to understand how they relate to one another, along with easy to understand explanations and graphics to aid in understanding difficult concepts, and how to make sure that installations are done safely and according to code.

For more information visit



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  • The author may have pointed out valid errors but the explanation for why these are errors is often ambiguous or incomplete. For example, the author seems to not understand why this particular tie breaker should be labeled. I suspect it may be in circuit where the traditional load side of the breaker may in certain circumstances be hot though the breaker is open. A common example is in the ordinary battery charging circuit-which I suspect this tie breaker serves. ..

    Bob  February 22 2011, 10:14 pm EST
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  • Reply from: Wes Gerrans   February 23 2011, 8:38 am EST
    See '011 code section 690.4(B) on identification requirements.
    Reply to Wes Gerrans

    Reply from: Bob   February 23 2011, 8:40 pm EST
    Wes, that section covers line identification. I was referring to the restriction-in the 2011 code-that does not allow back fed breakers to be marked "line" and "load" for the obvious reason is that for these breakers the traditional load side may be energized when the breaker is open. This rule for these back fed breakers I believe is new to NEC 2011-or at l;east reworded. I forgot the old rule for back fed breakers and I don't have a 2008 handy but I believe it involved labeling. See 690.10 (E) This is for systems that are interactive with the standard service facility-can feed it.through an inverter from the solar cells or from batteries charged by these cells..
    Reply to Bob

    Reply from: Wes Gerrans   February 25 2011, 12:29 pm EST
    Right on Bob, Thanks for the input.
    Reply to Wes Gerrans

  • It is interesting that the author suggests that grounding will eliminate shock hazard on an energized metal box. That might happen if one of the dc connectors is bonded to a local ground but not necessarily. The ground wire in the box just might create the potential to aid in the electrocution. One more example of the mistaken chain of thought that somehow ground will suck up any unwanted current while an energized ground can cause a dangerous step potential. I am not sure I agree with grounding the negative pole on solat panels and windmills but am open to being convinced of the necessity. Jack Miller

    Jack Miller  February 22 2011, 10:01 pm EST
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  • It's good to see that there are training opportunities out there for this field! However if this is an indication of the level of expertise being utilized, it appears to me to need an upgrade. Looks Picture #1: This looks like a disconnect. If so, red and black are appropriate for the DC conductors. Also may be marked by use of tape which I see. (690.4 B) If this is an AC disconnect we would not switch the neutral unless this was a transfer switch of a separately derived system, which this does not appear to be. So why do we want them white? Picture #2: Right on! 'Needs identification. Picture #3: I don't see a problem with the ground bar except for sloppy installation. It won't however fail as suggested unless inadequately secured. My question would be: Does box have sufficient room? Picture #4: The grounding electrode conductor should definitely be installed, but not for reason suggested. It does not limit shock hazard. Picture #5 Problem environments are always a problem. But nowhere does this state that this is an outdoor installation, if so it could be an enclosure type issue. The type of rust concentration I am seeing would make me think first that this was a building that had a bottle of acid stored near the installation. Picture #6: Is that a frayed bonding strap? Picture #7: Agree. No disconnect is a BIG problem.

    Bottom line, it looks like they need to involve a competent electrician as well as an engineer. Glad to see someone trying regardless.

    Wes Gerrans  February 22 2011, 4:00 pm EST
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  • George is right, its true. Mike and I had this conversation more than three years ago. I it a real tough and massave undertaking for installers, and inspectors. It even goes as far as the eagerness of solar companies to oversell their product or rush to the market with their product to soon. For example Mike and I took a instalation manuel by Sunnyboy and fornd three code violation in the instructions. Mike called and spoke to the company, they were very pleased to make the changes and thus spauned an good working relationship with the manufacture. The first grid tie system that I installed I had Mike and his son com over and check my work thinking I was king of solar, he found several serious code violations. George is right, its not that easy. Grid tie system can get up to 600 volts in residential and a 1000 volts in commercial central stations. This voltage is leathel and has the great potintial to weld, arc and burn. What is the cure-all. Listen, we don't need to make another rule in the permit prosess, just do proper inspections of the system wiring. After 4 or 5 turndowns and $300 in fines, the employer will either fire or train his or her employee. I payed about $800 for a permit for one pump and 4 solar panels. When the inspector arrived, I taught him all the things to look for on a solar install, I had to get my system certified by FSEC because of Miami Dade guidelines, even though there was no conection to the grid in any way. I just turned in the approval for someone elses grid tie system, the plans exzaminer was clueless. And that tell me they don't even know how to deal with solar. OK, here it is, the cure. Education and traning, NOT MORE REGULATIONS. Do I think this will happen, no. If this was Japan or China I would say maybe. Were too thick in Laywers in the US. Opened a can of worms up, didn't I. Want to here as many experts oppion on George story. PV

    perry Vogler, Done Right Electric.  February 22 2011, 9:03 am EST
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  • Someone clarify a couple of the photos for me. The photo showing the ground bar as an "incorrect part"? I am comfortable with the fact that the electrician at least attempted to ground the equipment properly. The only thing i see missing is the bond to the enclosure. I don't know too many electricians that have a ground bar laying in their toolbox. Or is that not what the photo is trying to illustrate. Second, what is wrong with the photo showing the ground connectors that are supposedly not rated for outdoors? I see these all the time on outdoor equipment (HVAC equipment). Didn't know they had grounding lugs rated just for outdoors. What am I missing here?

    Darrin  February 22 2011, 8:54 am EST
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  • Although I don't disagree with anything in this article, I did not see anything that was specific to the Solar industry itself. All the issues pointed out can apply to virtually any part of the electrical industry and not just solar. Good workmanship should be applied to every job, every situation and every time.

    Eric Swartwout  February 22 2011, 6:27 am EST
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  • In light of the flaws shown in this "shocking" article, maybe we should be busy simplifying methods for installers. Some forward thinking companies are offering free on-line training for solar installs. These types of courses could definately be expanded to bring the overall cost down. People within the electrical industry should determine exactly who is critisizing this new industry and why. "Scientific American" apparently draws heavy advertising funding from the oil industry. Open an issue and check their ads. They may be quick to push to the forefront problems with solar installs. We will likely be seeing more critical disinformation blitzes, to discredit this growing industry, as the economy climbs out of the doldrums and the cost of solar continues to drop.

    Rooftop solar, may help our economy tremendously. I'm not talking about utility sized, (we dont need another monopoly- or to pay for their transmission losses) but, solar for the average resident and small business. Solar carport canopies for vehicles. Think about multiple millions of Americans with an extra $2-$300 a month (or whatever your power bill is) in their pockets to spend. A long term boost to the economy? Yes. Jobs, yes. Free power from sunlight, yes. Maintaining these systems once they are in place, yes. Cleaner than coal, oil, nuclear or gas, yes. Are we seeing more trouble in the mid-east driving up the cost of oil? Yes. Is money from the oil finding its way into terrorist hands? Yes. Electric cars coming soon? Yes. Do a search on how they are building the new Ford Focus. Plenty of robotics being used in a solar assisted plant. Whether we like it or not this technology is here. I doubt whether China (and other strong manufacturing countries) wants to compete with a solar powered robot.

    The electrical industry needs to realize that we have an opportunity to move carefully to the forefront to make sure safety measures are in place for ourselves and for all the other related trades that will be seeing these installations on many rooftops and adjacent to manufacturing plants.

    Ralph  February 22 2011, 2:04 am EST
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