People will always go the least expensive route.
As long as manufacturers insist on charging double for what essentially was a 20% increase in cost of material (because they can, and you will pay it), there will always be a market for 18 AWG zip extension cords.
If one really wanted to curtail mis-use of the extension cord, one would mandate the inclusion of a fusible link in the cord's plug. Size the link so that it will melt out around 2X the rated capacity of the cord (we know the jacket will take that kind of punishment).
Sure folks will get ticked in the beginning; until they learn to read and start buying cords based on the application listed on the cord packaging.
That's another thing. Stop with all the techno-babble and marketing gobbledy-gook on the packaging.
Why not have a information panel like that nutritional information panel they have on cereal boxes. Everyone seems to be used to them. A similar format would be instantly recognized by even the most inept bungler.
There one could list, in a standard format, typical uses, the voltage rating, the current rating, the VA rating and the wattage rating. Those are all things that can be readily determined from the device to be plugged in (thanks to previous legislation requiring it so).
That would make it easier for folks and you can be sure if you make something difficult to do, most couch potatoes will just go around the difficulty!
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