The most striking thing about hte Fire Marshall's opinion is th euse of yet-too-small cordage for the refrigerator and the air conditioner. If one assumes (there's that word again) that the refrigerator draws somewhere in the neighborhood of 7-8 amps, and the air conditioner is a 1-Ton unit drawing probably 14 amps or so, and one thusly applies the always-forgotten 125% factor for a "continuous" load to the 22 amps demand, one comes to a continuous demand factor of 27+ amps. According to the NEC for a cord of 2 current-carrying conductors and a 27+ amp load, a #10 AWG SO-type cord would be required, not a #14.
Bottom line, always check with an electrician or an electrical engineer before opening the ole pie hole and inserting the shoe that just stepped in it. The Fire Marshall should be given a little instruction in the finer points of safe and sane design before giving technical instruction to the unsuspecting, but ever-believing. Dan Lawrence, PE