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School Book List based on 2017 NEC®
Understanding the NEC
Volume 1
Articles 90 - 480
Product Code: 17UND1
ISBN: 978-0-9863534-5-1
Pages: 672
Illustrations: 1481
Practice Questions: 409
List Price: $65.00
"We instructors of Northeast State's Electrical Technology program could not be more pleased. You will always have our business. The students love the Understanding NEC textbooks and your website."
Steve R. Smith
Understanding the NEC
Volume 2
Product Code: 17UND2
ISBN: 978-0-9903953-6-2
Pages: 480
Illustrations: 792
Practice Questions: 932
List Price: $52.50
"I really enjoy your material. The books that I have received are very informative and provide great illustrations for the students to understand. It gives them a better understanding of what is being taught. Continue the great work you and your staff are doing."
Ricardo Olivarez
Changes to the NEC2017
Product Code: 17BK
ISBN: 978-0-9863534-2-0
Pages: 544
Illustrations: 955
Practice Questions: 100
List Price: $65.00
"I have received several 2014 Code Change books from various publishers. Your book is by far the most in-depth and comprehensive of the books I have received. Keep up the good work."
Scott Carter
Georgia Northwestern
Technical College
Grounding vs. Bonding
based on the 2017 NEC
Product Code:17NCT2
ISBN: 978-0-9863534-3-7
Pages: 352
Illustrations: 598
Practice Questions: 571
List Price: $49.00
"I purchased the Grounding vs. Bonding book to help me prepare for a presentation. The information in the book was very well explained and the illustrations were extremely helpful. Thanks for all your hard work in preparing this book"
Rick Meadows
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems Textbook
Product Code: 17SOLB
ISBN: 978-0-9863534-4-4
Pages: 608
Illustrations: 1299
Practice Questions: 534
List Price: $62.00
"For electricians nationwide, the name Mike Holt has long been synonymous with top-notch, Code-focused electrical training and publishing. Both he and this new book are exceptional resources upon which the solar technology workforce can now rely to improve the code compliance, safety and performance of PV systems."
Bill Brooks

Electrical Exam Preparation
Product Code:17EXB
ISBN: 978-0-9863534-9-9
Pages: 736
Illustrations: 629
Practice Questions: 3397
List Price: $65.00
"I love, love your Exam Prep book! It teaches everything in a very simple and easy to understand way. I love the simple drawings - I will not buy any other books anymore! Please don't change a thing about the way you teach or your style!!!! Absolutely nothing!!!! Your team really gets it, they really do. Your books have been a real blessing to me."
Marlon Valenzuela

Electrical Estimating
Product Code: EST2B
ISBN2: 978-1-932685-50-3
Pages: 256
Practice Questions: 328
Includes Final Exam
List Price: $62.00
"I've been in the electrical trade for 37 years, both as an electrician and a contractor. Estimating (bidding), has always been hit and miss with me. My current employer gave me your estimating book. It gave me the clarity of the bidding process. I now use your systematic approach and have much more confidence in my bidding."
Ed Roberts

Basic Electrical Theory
Product Code: ETFC3
ISBN: 978-1-932685-39-8
Pages: 368
Illustrations: 326
Practice Questions: 667
List Price: $53.00
"The materials presented are the important things without a lot of unnecessary stuff to sift through. From the layout of the text to the progression of information covered it has all been expertly presented and is easy to absorb. Our communications with your office and your willingness to assist us has been top notch."
—Dan Maas
Basic Motor Controls
Product Code: MCMB2
ISBN: 978-0-9863534-0-6
Pages: 272
Illustrations: 360
Practice Questions: 432
List Price: $43.00
"I am currently using this text in a class I'm teaching. I find it to be clear and simple to understand. The pictures and diagrams are great! This makes 4 or 5 of Mike's books that I've used over the years and I refer to them time and time again even to explain something at work. Thanks again for the quality product."
Eric K Artschwager