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Mike Holt’s Electrical Toolbox App

Mike Holt has created an amazing, practical and useful app for the electrician, inspector, instructor, contractor and engineer. The app contains conductor sizing (including voltage drop limitations), circuit protection sizing, race sizing, equipment grounding conductor sizing for electric heating equipment (commercial and Residential), air-conditioning equipment (commercial and Residential), motors (commercial and Residential), Transformers (commercial) , and dwelling-unit service calculations and sizing. Additional features include conductor ampacity calculator, conductor ampacity NEC tables, grounding electrode conductor NEC table, and motor FLC values.
Circuit Calculator – Use the app to size a branch circuit or feeder circuit for residential and commercial, single- and three-phase loads. Input the system voltage and the load and it will let you know the protection size, conductor size, equipment grounding conductor size, raceway size, maximum load, and maximum circuit length.

Air-Conditioning Circuit Calculator – To size a branch circuit for residential and commercial, single- and three-phase a/c loads, input the system voltage and a/c load and it will let you know the protection size, conductor size, equipment grounding conductor size, raceway size, and maximum circuit length.

Electrical Heating Circuit Calculator – To size a branch circuit for residential and commercial, single- and three-phase heating load loads, input the system voltage and heat load and it will let you know the protection size, conductor size, equipment grounding conductor size, raceway size, and maximum circuit length.

Motor Circuit Calculator – To size a branch circuit for residential and commercial, single- and three-phase motor loads, input the system voltage and motor load and it will let you know the protection size, conductor size, equipment grounding conductor size, raceway size, and maximum circuit length.

Residential Service Calculator – To size the service for a dwelling unit, input the system voltage and loads and it will let you know the protection size, conductor size, equipment grounding conductor size, and raceway size.

Transformer Calculator – To size a primary and secondary conductors and protection for single- and three-phase loads, input the system voltage and load and it will let you know the protection size, conductor size, equipment grounding conductor size, and raceway size.