That is NOT true. You do NOT have to be a UL licensed lightning protection installer. It will cost a lot more, to have the UL Inspector come out and inspect the system for a certificate.
Not being licensed by the UL, or NOT being on their website listing, it would've cost 4,000 plus expenses for an inspector to come out.
Going through the process of becoming UL "listed" would have cost close to 3,000.00 to join, then 500.00 plus expenses for the inspection.
Even once certified the inspections are priced by size, min 500.00 plus inspectors expenses.
You do not even have to have a UL anything to design the system, you can do it yourself using the NFPA 780 Standard for the Installation of lightning protection. That little bugger is costly, I got my copy from the fire marshall of the city I was a building inspector for.
NFPA 780 is to lighntning protection installation as what the NFPA 70 is to electrical installations.
There are parts suppliers out there that are UL listed for material and they will design the system acccording to the NFPA 780 and include the design when and if you buy the material from them. They only need roof sketches and footage.
UL is only certifing what criteria the NFPA 780 has set up.