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I am convinced that the writers of the NEC have dropped the ball big time and are oblivious to the level of education the average electrician has. But that's beside some of the most ridiculous mistakes the NEC contains. For example, if you look up the definition of power outlet you'll see what I mean. And if you look up the word "neutral" in the index, it will refer you to the definitions where it is not there. The myths and confusion about grounding is also caused by the writers of the NEC. The misleading wording can be found in article 250-1(FPN) in the four codes: of 1981, 1984, 1987, and 1990. That's twelve years of misleading electricians into believing that a connection to the earth will facilitate the operation of the overcurrent device for low voltage distribution systems (systems in almost all buildings). I have a copy of this NEC page for anyone who would like me to send to them by email. You can call me at (972)-238-5682 for me to email this to you. If I would have known that the NEC was as bad as it has been, I would have never chosen to be an electrician and I believe that the NEC frustrates electricians to becoming apathetic towards learning the rules. RALPH GREENE