This article was posted 10/05/2007 and is most likely outdated.

Article 680 Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, Fountains, and Similar Installations

Subject - Article 680
Based on - NEC - 2005 EditionSwimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, Fountains, and Similar Installations

October 5, 2007
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Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, Fountains, and Similar Installations

680.12 Maintenance Disconnecting Means

This rule was revised to clarify that the permanently installed pool, storable pool, outdoor spa and hot tub, or fountain equipment maintenance disconnecting means must now be “readily accessible.” The 2002 NEC only required the maintenance disconnect to be “accessible,” and within sight of the permanently installed pool, storable pool, outdoor spa and hot tub, or fountain equipment.

A maintenance disconnecting means is required for permanently installed pool, storable pool, outdoor spa, outdoor hot tub, or fountain equipment, other than lighting for these water bodies. The maintenance disconnecting means must be readily accessible and located within sight from the permanently installed pool, storable pool, outdoor spa, outdoor hot tub, or fountain equipment. Figure 680-1

Author’s Comment: Disconnects must be located not less than 5 ft horizontally from the inside walls of a permanently installed pool, storable pool, outdoor spa, outdoor hot tub, or fountain, unless separated by a solid fence, wall, or other permanent barrier [680.22(C)].

Figure 680-1
(Click on image to enlarge)


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  • The example indicates a switch mechanism. Is the pump cord plug still considered a disconnect"

    D. Green

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