What should an electrical company do? Megger all circuits, Verify all main grounding electrical conductors & points(Test Ground rod ), Test all GFCI units with proper tester, Install surge suppression on Main power, Cable TV, & Phone line Document all findings due to Insurance being involved, If needed for the insurance pull a Lightning Strike report.
What certification or license should they possess or subcontract out to do all the work and testing to make me and my family feel safe? Should have experience in this field & check with Local authority to find out what they require. Most time when Fire Dept has been called they require Inspections and the testing I a have listed.
Should all the wiring be replaced that is on each run including all switches, outlets, light fixtures, and fans?
I've elevated up directly to my insurance company and they will have their subcontract manager call me back to get me help. What tips can you give me to help me out? Test all appliances (very good) Some appliances won’t fail for 6 months & then Insurance don’t want to cover!!
Electronic Testing Company Inc.
Mike Elam
Suite D
11060 Kenwood Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Ph/Fax 513-891-8758
CP 513-266-0882
Federal Tax ID # 31-1232820
Mike Elam