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Inspections aim to prevent more dog electrocutions
Voltage hazards spark city action “ Boston Globe
The city will begin regularly inspecting electrical lines and junction boxes in an effort to eradicate stray voltage hazards like those that have killed several dogs, Mayor Thomas M. Menino said yesterday.
Starting this month, city departments -- including public works, transportation, and fire -- will begin a program of inspections that aims to survey a third of the city's electrical lines each year, adding up to a complete inspection of the city's electrical infrastructure every three years. The inspection schedule is based on recommendations issued by a city-appointed task force on electrical safety in July.
The city is also replacing metal housings on Boston's 30,000 traffic light control boxes with fiberglass covers, which don't conduct electricity.
Stray voltage has killed three dogs since 2000, including a 1-year-old boxer that was electrocuted in March while being walked by his 13-year-old owner. It also became an issue in the mayoral campaign when challenger Maura A. Hennigan accused Menino of neglecting the city.
Menino yesterday portrayed the program as an example of quick action by the city.
''When the issue of stray voltage was brought to the city's attention, we immediately took action," Menino said in a statement. ''The Stray Voltage Task Force is a critical component of our response, and the group will continue to monitor the city's electrical infrastructure."
The city, working with NStar, completed a survey of the city's electrical infrastructure this summer, inspecting more than 120,000 light posts, traffic signals, electrical and fire boxes, and metal plates located near electrical wires, city officials said.
Hennigan yesterday criticized Menino, saying the inspections should have come sooner.
''He should have been working on these issues since 2000," she said. ''Sadly, we have had many pets killed because of the fact that the city has not made this a priority."
Hennigan said the inspections should be mandatory, and completed each year.
''This is a serious issue as we approach the winter season," she said. ''We have a city that has aging infrastructure. Just because something is below the ground does not mean that everything is functioning properly. As mayor, I will show leadership and make sure we are provided with safe and efficient service."
Stray voltages are particularly problematic in the winter, when water from melted snow and ice can cause shorts and other electrical problems.
Sixty-six instances of stray voltages were found during the inspection this summer and were immediately repaired, said James W. Hunt III, the city's chief of environmental and energy services. The insulation and fiberglass plates are being installed as additional safety measures, he said.
''It's the mayor's strong feeling that one instance of stray voltage is too many," Hunt said. 
By Cristina Silva, Globe Staff | October 29, 2005
Low-Voltage and Power-Limited Systems Video |
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