This article was posted 02/22/2007 and is most likely outdated.

Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Topic - Stray Voltage
- Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

February 22, 2007  

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Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Reporter for major media outlet wants to talk to people who have had problems, or believe they are having problems, with stray voltage. Please respond by clicking on the "Click Here to Post a Comment" link below with an email address and phone number. This is for research on a possible story concerning stray voltage and solutions to it. Thanks very much!

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  • A deadly occurance where three boy were electrictuded in a private lake in Desoto Missouri. We did not get the follow up story but Two boys were killed and the third was saverly injured swimming in to there dock. It was first belived that the contractor/owner/father was a fault because the hot tub he installed was not inspected. As the invetigation went on proved to be incorrect. For the last several years prior to this occurance there were repeated complaints of people being shocked when making contact with the water but it came and went and I know was never checked out by the power company, just brushed aside. It was belived that a large power line was installed under the lake bed and now was failing. Of course stray voltage varies on line usage or non usages. To investagate this would be to study with equipment over a long period of time to get a true measurment of the leakage. The power company denied any claim to the case and claimed no reports of this occurance. The case was under investigation but no follow up to the investigation has been reported by the paper originaly to report this. All the information I can remember to give you so I can be researchedis as follows. Place of the occurance was: Sommerset Lake in Desoto Missouri. Time: Daytime, probaly in the afternoon. Date: Not for sure but it was more or around one year ago. Boys were attending a birfday party for Adam Jones. My best suggestion is to call the newspaper. Jefferson county leader. located in Jefferson county missouri, not jefferson city! Its a good case to follow.

    Perry Vogler

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