This article was posted 02/22/2007 and is most likely outdated.

Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Topic - Stray Voltage
- Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

February 22, 2007  

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Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Reporter for major media outlet wants to talk to people who have had problems, or believe they are having problems, with stray voltage. Please respond by clicking on the "Click Here to Post a Comment" link below with an email address and phone number. This is for research on a possible story concerning stray voltage and solutions to it. Thanks very much!

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  • I am always interested in "Stray Voltage" solutions. I think everyone agrees that by utilizing proper investigative techniques you can identify the source of the problem and provide a solution. The real issue is in detecting the presence of stray voltage before someone gets hurt...or worse. After several years of research and testing EFI Electronics, a Schneider Electric Company, will introduce a meter base product that will detect the presence of 5 volts or more at the service entrance. The product is scheduled for release in April 2007.

    I would be happy to share this information with researchers.

    Pine Brumett

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