This article was posted 02/22/2007 and is most likely outdated.

Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Topic - Stray Voltage
- Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

February 22, 2007  

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Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Reporter for major media outlet wants to talk to people who have had problems, or believe they are having problems, with stray voltage. Please respond by clicking on the "Click Here to Post a Comment" link below with an email address and phone number. This is for research on a possible story concerning stray voltage and solutions to it. Thanks very much!

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  • This reporters inquiries are inline with an event that recently took place in Chicago, involving electrocution of a Dog in contact with the access plate for a street lighting circuit. This incident could have been avoided with Ground Fault Protection of a level that would protect people and animals from shock, however, this would require proper maintenance of these systems, as even the slightest leakage would cause what is termed in the industry as "nuisance trips". Here is where economics and politics come into the picture. The incident was certianly more than a "nuisance" to the unfortunate dog and could possibly have been more of an issue had it occured during the warmer seasons with Kids in bare feet.

    Mark Prairie

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