This article was posted 02/22/2007 and is most likely outdated.

Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Topic - Stray Voltage
- Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

February 22, 2007  

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Reporter Wants to Know about Stray Voltage Cases

Reporter for major media outlet wants to talk to people who have had problems, or believe they are having problems, with stray voltage. Please respond by clicking on the "Click Here to Post a Comment" link below with an email address and phone number. This is for research on a possible story concerning stray voltage and solutions to it. Thanks very much!

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  • While working with the Navy PWC, in San Diego, CA. Working with in the electrical engineering planning dept. Received a number of calls that people were feeling electricity at different houses, at varies points. Mostly around the shower and kitchen area's. Took electrical measurement, and at some given points voltages were as high as 99 volts between given points. Two of us working on, the project, and took most the day to figure the problem. Problem coming from the Pad Mounted Transformer feeding the area housing. The transformer is being feed by 7200 volt , the cable was aluminum concentric, and the out side cable deteriorate. Causing the 7200 volt to find other returns back to it's source. After proving this to others, situation was taken care of. No one was hurt, that I know of.

    Dan Ortega

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