We were once called to a situation that reminds me of the pin hole leaks. New plumbing had been installed for a washer in the second floor of a condo. Overnight a leak developed which ruined the first floor ceiling. The plumber said the two flexible metal hoses had sort of welded together creating a leak in the union. The plumber suspected electrical current flowing through the hoses. Upon arrival we turned the disconnect off at the meter bank and began checking the wiring in the panel in the condo. I was tightening the neutrals in the panel, and everytime my screwdriver touched the edge of the cabinet while in contact with the neutral bar, a spark developed, in a panel with no power. We found a difference of about 4 volts between the neutral and the grounding bars. The caused turned out to be a slightly loose connection in the meter bank on a bolt going through four neutral busbars and the grounding busbar. Upon tightening the bolt the difference in voltage, as well as the sparking previously described, dissapeared. We never quite understood how this affected the water hoses, or if it was even related. The rest of the washers in the condo were plumbed with plastic hoses and therefore never presented a problem. Akualtzin