Merry Christmas from Linda and Mike Holt

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Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. 3604 Parkway Blvd. Suite 3 Leesburg, FL 34748

  • Merry Christmas to you and your family and also the staff at your office. My father, Jerry Russell had a great respect for you and had attended many of your conferences and used your material for his continuing education. Not only was he an Unlimited contractor in North Carolina but he held 11 other state license across the country. He and myself and my son were and are licensed electrical contractors and it is because of my dad and men like yourself has continued this family trade and tradition. My father passed this year at 83 years old and was still active in the electrical trade. Peace and happy New Year to you and all these wonderful men and women that have messaged you here to have a great and successful coming year!!!

    Anthony Russell  December 24 2024, 2:10 am EST

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