Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source


October 12, 2024 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram

I built my life and my business with hard work. Along the way, I developed skills and created systems to help me succeed. I want to share with you the knowledge and skills that led to my success, the goal being to give you focus for your own success. My Life Skills Program will help you understand the skills you need to develop an action plan so your life can be successful beyond what you currently feel is possible. So how do you get what you want? It's actually really easy. Do what you love and do it with passion.

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Your intuition (subconscious) gives you the first warning sign when something is not right, often felt in the gut.

Your subconscious is a powerful communicator—listen to it.

Your gut feeling is an instinct or intuition, which is your reaction to something without the thought process. Your brain has already decided subconsciously the answer to anything that you’re wondering about. Your experiences are stored in the subconscious. It only becomes confusing when you go to your conscious, and your conscious wants something that your subconscious doesn’t want. That is called cognitive dissonance. There is a disparity between the subconscious, which already has all the information, and the conscious which communicates through your actions.

The conscious level is good when you’re making certain decisions about life, but you’ve got to be able to recognize when to allow your subconscious to factor in. If you know that you shouldn’t be doing business with somebody because they are not reputable, and doing business with them is going to hurt you, but you’re greedy and you agree to do business with them for the money—that’s cognitive dissonance.

Do I trust you? Do I like you? Are you competent? Pay attention to your instinct (gut feeling):

  • Act on your gut feeling. Be aware and pay attention if you’re feeling that something isn’t quite right.
  • Don’t do business with that individual. It’s not worth it. Trust your instinct.
  • Don’t allow them to be a part of your life. If you’ve decided to exclude someone from your life, you’ve got to be careful that you’re not allowing other emotions to mix it all up. Don’t let the gut feeling prevent you from having relationships because of pride, ego, or based on something said or done recently or in the past.
  • Don’t associate with people who give you a “pang.” You’ll always have regrets.
  • They will hurt you. If you feel the pang that they will hurt you, they will—FACT.

You’ll feel a pang in your gut when your consciousness makes a decision that goes against your instinct. When you are in agreement with your subconscious, you’re at peace. Learn to be aware of these instincts and use them to help you make decisions.

Don’t misinterpret bad feelings about someone as a gut feeling not to associate with them. If you knew me in the 80s and judged me back then as to who I was, or if you watch any of my video tapes from back then, you might think I was not a nice person at all! I think there are still people out there who probably don’t like me to this day for something I said or how I acted back then. But I’ve grown, and I’ve changed. Allow me a chance. Forget about the past. I was younger and I was not thinking. So be careful if you have bad feelings toward someone that you don’t mistake that for a gut feeling, instead of recognizing it for what it is—a hurt or a grudge.
—Mike Holt



The content for this newsletter was extracted from Mike Holt's Life Skills. For more information on this video program, or to get your copy, click on the image to the left, or visit MikeHolt.com/Life.


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  • Wow... I'm sorry to here how things are going in your community. I'm be praying for your and your family.

      October 17 2024, 12:11 am EDT

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