Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Code Forum Recap - June 2024

July 02, 2024
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Another great resource from Mike Holt Enterprises! The following is a list of the top topics discussed on our Code Forum over the past month. Simply click on any topic that interests you to read, or join in the discussion. If you're not already registered as a Code Forum member, click here to sign up now.

Top 20 Code Forum Topics Last Month

  • I am curious how the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn the Chevron Deference ruling will impact the electrical industry. Many of the rules and codes were developed to meet regulatory agency regulations that appear to no longer be enforceable. When the Supreme Court issues the Chevron Deference decision in 1984, it gave the regulatory agencies the ability to put regulations in place without Congressional Approval and did not allow the courts to overturn a regulatory agency ruling. We can all see regulations that are in place that don't make sense so these may be removed as we move forward or possibly just implemented into law by the US Congress, but there will certainly be changes coming.

    Can you provide guidance on where you think we may end up with this one as the US adjusts to the new world created by the recent US Supreme Court ruling?

    Bruce Fredrick  July 2 2024, 7:24 pm EDT
  • Reply from: Mike Holt   July 3 2024, 10:50 am EDT
    Oh my goodness, what an amazing comment. I need to think about this, but I don't expect many changes in local regulations.

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