Keeping up with the requirements of the Code should be the goal of
everyone involved in the electrical industry. The following is what I feel is an
important rule in the 2020 NEC®, complete with
graphics and a video. I encourage you to use it as a training resource for
your organization, and share it with your colleagues.
Sizing Raceways Using Annex C [2020 NEC] |
The content below is extracted from Mike Holt's Electrical Exam Preparation textbook, based on the 2020 NEC
Click here or on the thumbnail to the left to view or download the PDF of this rule. (5 pages, 1.03 KB)
Click on the image above to watch the video
When installing conductors of the same size in a raceway, do you know how to determine how the number of conductors permitted in a specific conduit or tubing?
Well, one way is to do the math and divide the area of a conductor into the fillable area of the raceway. But why do that when the tables in Annex C have done the work for you? These tables simplify the process but you need to be sure to consider the information in the notes that precede the tables as they can influence the actual number of conductors that can be installed in a particular raceway.
If any of this sounds confusing, read the text and watch the video as Mike and a team of experts explain.
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Send us your comments and feedback by clicking on "Post a Comment"
below. Look out for the next part in this series a month from now, and
please share with your colleagues. |
This content is extracted from Mike Holt's Illustrated Guide to
Electrical Exam Preparation, based on the
2020 NEC Program.