Mike Holt Business Newlsetter Series
November 09, 2022 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram
Mike Holt
Estimating is a skill that can make or break a career or company. Understanding the estimating and bidding processes is essential for your business to remain profitable.

This is newsletter #39 in the series. If you have missed prior newsletters, and are enjoying the series, we encourage you to purchase the complete Electrical Estimating Program. Click on the coupon at the bottom of this page.

Determining Break-Even - Overhead

The cost related to the operation and management of the company, such as rent, insurance, vehicles, administrative salaries, professional fees, and so on, is known as overhead and is usually obtained from your income statement or your accountant.

Author's Comment: As business volume increases, the cost of overhead per labor hour de-creases and smaller jobs and/or smaller size contractors have a higher ratio of overhead cost to labor as compared to larger jobs or larger size contractors.

Author's Comment: Overhead application is beyond the scope of most electrical contractors without the assistance of an accountant or bookkeeper, but you need to know it.


We'd love to hear from you about this series, and the ways you're using it. Send us your comments and feedback by clicking on Post a Comment below. Look out for the next part in this series a month from now, and please share with your colleagues.

For more information on this topic, get a copy of Mike Holt's Electrical Estimating video program and textbook.

  • Why is the labor of 4,000 hours at a cost of $80,000 ($20 per hour) for a small contractor and $400,000 ($100 per hour) for a medium contractor. I think the hours are wrong in the medium contractor calculation.

    Walter  November 10 2022, 10:56 am EST

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