What does it mean to be successful? What success looks
like is personal, and everyone's journey is different. I
love getting emails and messages from people sharing
their personal successes, achievements and triumphs.
It's the driving force behind what motivates me every
day - to make a difference by changing lives! I want to
share some of those stories with you, with the hope that
one of them will inspire you to make the commitment and
do the work to achieve your own goals and dreams.
This story is an amazing and inspiring message I
received from Bill G. the other day. You need to read
I passed the NEC portion of my exam yesterday.
I passed the fire alarm and signaling code as
I'm 56 years old and have been working for
my father since 1984 full-time. For the past 30 years my father has
told me to get my license. But I hated school and I was coaching
my kid's softball
teams and did not have the time for school
(dummy). Well, I lost my father unexpectedly
January 14th.
I found myself in despair, depressed, discouraged and needing to get a license
asap. We have employees who have been with the
company for 20 and 30 years and everyone was
looking to me, including my wife and kids. I
hate school and did not know where to turn to
learn the Code and had very little confidence
in passing the NEC test. I've been avoiding
this test for the past 30 years. I called and
spoke to Angela who was fantastic; she
reassured me how good the course was, so I
signed up and that's when everything
I found myself going into work very early to
study, watch Mike Holt videos and follow along
with the books. After 3 weeks I started
understanding how to learn again. Stopping the
video, re-watching the video, checking the
Code, highlighting the book and checking the
material here for the listings you were
bringing up that I never paid any attention
to. I came home and watched your videos at
night as well. I finished the videos in 2
months and then watched again. You guilted me
into watching the electrical theory videos and
thank God I did because there were at least 10
questions between the 2 tests on simple series
and parallel circuits.
If I had to rely on the night class to pass
the NEC it would never have happened.
Electricians are hands-on people and they need
to see things. That's the difference in your
program. I'm sure you know this already but I
wanted to tell you how grateful I am. I have
an extremely hard time paying attention to the
finer points but being able to stop a video
and restart is invaluable. After a month I was
fully engaged and couldn't wait to get to the
next video. I spent hours a day and all
weekend watching and studying. I missed my
kid's softball games in college and HS because
I was on a mission. I haven't missed a game in
the last 20 years. Angela, my 2nd of 4
daughters, plays softball at Villanova
University and they made the college world
series and this was her last time playing so I
went Orlando last weekend at UCF. I brought
the Code book your Bonding and Grounding book
and videos and watched in the hotel room!
Your team is great. Mario's enthusiasm and his
youth make the videos come to life. Brian is
fantastic. You can tell he is a
I am sorry for the long email but I promised
myself when I passed the NEC I would write you
and let you know what a difference you and
your team have made. If you are ever in New
Jersey please stop by. My dad started this
business 50 years ago. I hope to keep it going
for many more and you will always be welcomed
with open arms here.
Thank You Very Much, God Bless!
Bill G., Edison NJ
Bill was successful because he followed these simple
steps with passion and commitment:
1. Have the correct study program
2. You can pass if you watch the videos, read the books,
and do all of the practice questions.
3. Don't wait until there is an emergency to get your
license, get started today.
4. When you do the work and stay committed to your
mission amazing things can happen.
We are here to help you complete your mission. Your journey to a better life starts today. Visit MikeHolt.com/ExamPrep to get started, or call us at 888.632.2633 and we'll guide you through the process.
God Bless,
