Mike Holt Enterprises Understanding the NEC
July 21, 2022 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram
Mike Holt
Being a leader is about living your life in a way that inspires or encourages others. To lead is to serve. If you make it your goal to do the best that you can and to help people, then you can't fail. I encourage you to commit to keep learning.

This is newsletter #38, the last in the series. If you have missed prior newsletters, and are enjoying the series, we encourage you to to purchase the program. More information can be found by clicking on the coupon at the bottom of this page.

Balance (Life) - All things in Proportion

One of the biggest dangers you face as you develop your career, is allowing your work or studies to overshadow all other areas of your life. Remember that your goal in becoming a leader is to build a good life for yourself and your family”all in the pursuit of happiness. It's self-defeating if you're achieving your written goals, or have achieved them, and you make yourself or your family miserable in the process.

Don't neglect outside activities that are necessary in order for you to enjoy a balanced life.

  • Take an active part in social affairs, religious worship, and hobbies.
  • Select activities that develop not only your body but also your views and your mind.
  • Schedule time for friends and family. Your career certainly demands your attention for long-range planning and success, but you can't do it without this core support.

Wherever you might be on your path to becoming a leader, incorporating the topics we've discussed into your daily life should result in success. You might have already mastered some of them, some you might have heard of, but think you can't do, and some will be completely new concepts to you. The truth is that everyone can master these skills”it may take some time and a little bit of work, but the results are worth the effort.

Remember to apply the things you've learned here to all aspects of your life, not just to your career. Apply them to yourself, your relationships, and your spiritual growth too. Without a good balance between professional time and personal time, you won't be able to develop the effective personal and leadership skills that are vital to your success.

True success is knowing what a great life looks like for you, and then developing your skills and yourself while keeping focused on why you're doing this in the first place.


We'd love to hear from you about this series, and the ways you've used it. Send us your comments and feedback by clicking on Post a Comment below. Look out for the next part in this series a month from now, and please share with your colleagues.

The above content is extracted from Mike Holt's Leadership Skills textbook.

Stay Connected:

  • This was a great reminder, thank you!

    David  July 22 2022, 10:12 am EDT

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