Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Electrical Formulas Sheet

May 20, 2022 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram

Here's a new great free PDF for you to view and download - Mike's Important Electrical Formulas!

You can download the chart, or save the PDF on your device and always have access to this handy sheet for important electrical formulas.

Here's where to find it:

  1. Click here, or on the image to the right to open and download the PDF, or
  2. Go to the Charts and Calculators page, and select Electrical Formulas. The link to the chart is the first thing you'll see on the page.

Bookmark the page. This is a great way to quickly navigate to this page whenever you need it. Save it as a bookmark or favorite on your browser.

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  • Thanks for the resources. The formulas under "Current, Amperes (I)" only are correct for DC and AC circuits with only resistance, or a power factor of 1. Common AC circuits have resistance and reactance, the result of these is impedance, and a power factor other than unity (1). If P equals power in watts; then "Single-Phase = P/(E times power factor)" and "Three-Phase = P/ (E line times 1.732 times power factor)".

    Neil Matthes  May 25 2022, 9:52 am EDT

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