Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

A Backstage Invitation to Mike Holt's Video Recording

April 21, 2022 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram

You don't want to miss this exciting event. Be a part of the action and join me and industry experts for a behind-the-scenes pass to this 4-day recording!

We're planning a wild journey through the world of Electrical Theory... to understand how electricity really works. Have you ever asked:

  • How is electricity made?
  • Why does a breaker trip?
  • Why does a wire needs to be so big?
  • How does a lightbulb make light?

Ask Your Questions. The team will be answering in real-time.

Give Feedback. Your comments and observations will help us make this an even better product and exciting event.

I'll see you there!

Register now to watch May 1-4, and for more details...




Stay Connected:
  • Will the video of the sessions be available after the recording is done. I will not be available the whole time. I have attended Mike Holt classes in the past and you have always done a great job. Thank you.

    Mike W.  April 22 2022, 7:09 pm EDT

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