Mike Holt Enterprises Understanding the NEC
April 14, 2022 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram
Mike Holt
Being a leader is about living your life in a way that inspires or encourages others. To lead is to serve. If you make it your goal to do the best that you can and to help people, then you can't fail. I encourage you to commit to keep learning.

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Stress Management
A positive attitude and lifestyle are key elements to managing your stress.

Stress can be defined simply as the way you react physically and emotionally to change. Like change, stress can be either positive or negative. It might be the sense of anxiety you feel when faced with a new and challenging situation, or perhaps the vague sense of anxiety you feel after one of those days! In any case, you can learn to manage stress rather than allowing it to manage you.

Your stress response is automatic, like blinking your eyes. When faced with a challenging situation, your muscles tense, your heart rate, and blood pressure increase, you might perspire more, and you might even notice a tightening sensation in your stomach. It's possible you'll also feel more mentally alert and focused. This stress response prepares your body to meet an immediate, recognizable challenge.

Stress can be caused by a sense of frustration and/or anxiety”trying to do too many things yourself or at one time. It can occur in response to being overwhelmed or when you run out of time and must carry tasks over from one day to the next. This is followed by knowing that the to-do's that are carried over to the next day will be added to a whole new list of things to do. You then start feeling boxed in with no escape and no alternatives.

To minimize stress, handle what you can, delegate what you can't, and say no when necessary!

Positive Stress. When stress is positive, your body automatically relaxes after you've handled the situation that triggered your stress response. Your muscles relax and your heart rate, blood pressure, and other physical functions all return to their normal, pre-stressed state. This relaxation response is the most important aspect of positive stress because it allows you to rest and gather the physical and emotional energy you need to meet the next challenge. Positive stress is a series of heightened alert and relaxation responses that help you deal with the changes and challenges of daily life.

In its positive aspect, stress can help you concentrate, focus, perform, and can often help you reach your peak efficiency. Many people, in fact, do their best work when under pressure. Then, when the challenge has been met, they take the time to relax and enjoy their achievements. This relaxation response allows them to build up the physical and emotional reserves to meet the next challenge and is one of the key elements of positive stress.

Negative Stress. With negative stress, there's no true relaxation between one stress crisis and the next. When your body remains geared up, physical and emotional strain can result. Left uncontrolled, negative stress can lead to high blood pressure, ulcers, migraines, heart attacks”and worse. Fortunately, you can stop the cycle of negative stress by becoming aware of your stress and how you react to it by practicing relaxation techniques, and by developing a positive attitude and lifestyle.

Stress becomes negative when you stay geared-up and don't (or can't) relax after meeting the challenge. In today's world, where many situations can push our buttons, it's no wonder we can't relax. For some people, stress becomes a way of life. Unfortunately, when it becomes a constant, ongoing cycle, your health and well-being will suffer. The good news is that with proper management, it need not be hazardous to your health. Understand, too, that your stress level not only affects you, but also those around you who love and care about you.

Managing Stress
Awareness. In order to manage stress, it's helpful to know what causes it and how you feel when you're under stress. Try to identify the situations in your life that make you feel tense. Then, listen to your body for signs such as headaches, stomach upsets, tensed muscles, clenched teeth, and cold or clammy hands which are stress indicators.

Relaxation Techniques. As you know, stress can be positive when it's balanced with relaxation. However, when it's constant and unrelieved, it can become a negative and even a destructive force. You can break the cycle of negative stress by learning ways to help yourself relax. By taking the time to practice simple relaxation techniques on a regular basis, you can give yourself a chance to unwind and prepare for life's next challenge.

Positive Attitude and Lifestyle. A positive attitude and lifestyle are key elements to managing your stress. Since stress is both an emotional and physical reaction, the better you feel (in body and mind), the better you'll be able to deal with the everyday stress in your life. When you learn to think positively, exercise, eat well, and rest regularly, you'll be taking care of the most important person you know”you!

Developing a Positive Attitude

  • Self-talk means honestly telling yourself what you can or can't do. Positive self-talk is saying I can, and setting your mind to meet the challenge at hand and recognizing the things you can't.
  • Rehearsal is a way to prepare for a potentially stressful situation before it occurs. Think about the situation, go over the details, plan the action to take, and visualize proceeding successfully.
  • Developing an action plan can help you turn a stress disaster into a new opportunity. Always make an alternate plan, just in case the one you rehearsed doesn't work out.

Developing a Positive Lifestyle

  • Exercise. Physically fit people handle stress more easily than those who aren't since they're apt to feel better about themselves in general. A regular exercise program should include some form of aerobic activity. Aerobic exercise helps your body use oxygen more efficiently and strengthens your heart and lungs. Running, walking, swimming, and bicycling are all excellent aerobic activities. Stretching exercises are also helpful in relieving tense muscles and improving overall flexibility. Exercise will actually reduce the negative effects of stress on your body because it releases the energy that's created by your stress response.
  • Nutrition. When planning your meals, remember that the old saying, You are what you eat! is true”junk foods and refined sugars are low in nutritional value and generally high in calories. Food is your body's fuel”so give it high test! Plan your meals around servings from the four basic food groups: proteins, dairy products, grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating well, and limiting your use of salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol can promote health and help reduce stress.
  • Rest and Relaxation. You already realize that relaxation is a key to balancing stress, but in addition to specific techniques, try to slow down and enjoy your leisure time. Realize that sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is nothing at all. Don't cram your days full of endless chores”make an effort to relax and enjoy your free time. And try to get to bed at a reasonable hour, especially if you're under stress. Your body needs sleep to refresh itself, and you need sleep to feel refreshed.

Proper planning and goal setting give you a sense of stability during the workday. Delegation alleviates some of the responsibility you're carrying. Encourage those in your life to bring solutions”not problems! And take time out for personal pursuits with the family, at meetings, hobbies, and so on. If you can't control the situations that create stress for you, then learn to control your reaction to them.


We'd love to hear from you about this series, and the ways you're using it. Send us your comments and feedback by clicking on Post a Comment below. Look out for the next part in this series a month from now, and please share with your colleagues.

The above content is extracted from Mike Holt's Leadership Skills textbook.

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  • Thanks Mike News letter #35 even as a Christian I look at the load I am pulling and usually 80% I am trying to handle God say's why Rick did you put that there? I am a work in progress but very energized. I loved the comment "To minimize stress, handle what you can, delegate what you can't, and say no when necessary!" This will be my go to for this year. At 68 I have 2 to 3 years to get this apprenticeship I am leading off the ground my Goal is to have 4 Journeymen before I retire. This Goal would not be possible without the Help from You, Sean, Ryan, and Brian and everyone else. God Bless your team as you continue to serve.

    Rick Curtis  April 15 2022, 10:37 am EDT

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