Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Free Resource - Summary of the Changes for the 2020 NEC

When a new Code is adopted it takes time to become familiar with all of the changes and how they impact the industry. I have spent my career working on making this process as easy as possible. Often I create free tools to help, and this is one of those resources. Keeping up with the Code is essential, regardless of your role in the electrical field or your particular application of the Code rules. I hope you'll find it has value.

Summary of the Changes to the National Electrical Code. This PDF is a summary of all the Changes contained in Mike Holt's Changes to the National Electrical Code®, based on the 2020 NEC. This overview will give you an idea of the scope of the changes for the 2020 NEC, and you are encouraged to get the Code Changes Library for explanations and analyses, and to help you understand the modifications made to the rules, their impact, and their practical application in the field.

Take a look! Click on the links below for a preview:

Click here or on the image to download the PDF.

For additional help with your Code training, visit www.MikeHolt.com/Code.

  • Thank you so much for taking your precious time showing us and teaching us the Electrical Code. You are appreciated .

    God Bless you and your company

    Gary  May 2 2020, 12:00 am EDT

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