Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

An Inspiring Performance

All over the world where quarantine and social distancing are creating isolation and loneliness, there's an emergence of innovative ways to bring people together. Here's an inspiring example.

Apart in uncertain times, but together in spirit and song. May our choir’s virtual performance of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah be a timely reminder that we are indeed #TogetherApart. The Roedean School of South Africa.

Click here or on the image to watch.

Mike Holt Comment: I'd like to take this time to pray for the health and safety of you and your family. And for those of us that have already lost loved ones to this virus, our hearts and prayers go out to you and your families in this unprecedented time.
God Bless.


  • Thank you , this came at a great time .

    Bill Minnich  April 23 2020, 12:32 am EDT

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