Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

We Are All In This Together

As this crisis unfolds and things are changing hourly, one thing that doesn't change is our commitment to you.

We are all in this together

We wanted to let you know what we are doing at Mike Holt Enterprises to make sure that we are here to support you and connect with you for as long as this event lasts. Here is a summary of our latest plans:

  • We are currently finalizing all of our remote procedures so that if our physical offices are shut due to state or local closings, we are able to be fully functional.
  • We have created rules across our offices to make sure that we can protect our team while also continuing to provide service.
  • We have expanded our online capabilities so that we can support all schools and training companies that need digital options.
  • We have moved our summer Seminars to later dates so that we can accommodate the current situation.
  • We will be sending Newsletters to highlight free items we have available so that your team can continue working on their knowledge and you can continue to build your business with a stronger team.

There is no blueprint for what we are going through, there is no easy solution for any of us. But here are a few things that might help if you find yourself at home due to a Shelter in Place, like California, or because of business closings and social distancing:

  1. Create a daily schedule. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed by the news, the challenges, and the responsibility of this experience. Life will feel a little bit more in control if you can create a schedule for you and your family. Schedule time for family, time for yourself, time for projects, and try to stick with this schedule daily.
  2. Connect with family. Too often the very people that we are working so hard for, don't have the opportunity to fully understand how much we care about them. This downtime is a great opportunity to truly slow down and connect with the people we love. For your immediate family members make time to create memories, and for those family members that you aren't able to see, send them a note, FaceTime, or just take time to connect and see how they are handling these challenges.
  3. Exercise. One of the most powerful ways we can reduce stress is to exercise. Walk around your neighborhood while still maintaining the recommended social distance from neighbors, or adopt a new daily workout routine that you do consistently at the same time.
  4. Get your to-do projects done. When work and kids' schedules are constantly filling up our schedule, it is hard to find the time to fix the door, paint the room, or solve the problem. Take this time to make progress on all of your to-dos so that each night you can see something completed, and in the process take your focus away from the latest challenging news headline.
  5. And finally, work on yourself. Many of us think that someday we will finally master the Code book, or understand the principles of estimating. Perhaps you have always wanted to get your license, but haven't seen how this is possible with your overly scheduled life. Now is your time to do all of these things. Find a spot to study, and choose your learning goals. There are so many resources available and we are here to help, 888.632.2633.

Final Note: In these hard times, it is critical that you conserve your cash. Many banks, credit card companies, finance companies and utilities are deferring payments, so please contact them. After you work that out with them, make sure you stop your Auto Drafts. They won't do it for you automatically.

Now, as always, we are grateful to be a part of your lives. As we all do our part to stay home and flatten the curve, we just wanted you to know that we are still open and taking calls to help you in every way that we can.

God Bless and take care,
Your Friends at Mike Holt Enterprises

  • I am currently working on putting my electrical apprentices online with the use of Google Classroom and Zoom. This is keeping me busy learning how to use these new tools. This will keep me in touch with my students. Hopefully I will be able to use these online tools with teaching my Journeymen classes also. Yes there is lots to learn from what we all are going through. I found the golf course a great place to do my walking in the mornings. Creating a routine for our daily lives is a must. Wishing everyone good health and safety to you and your families

    Laura  March 22 2020, 9:22 pm EDT

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