I wanted to pass along to you a report written by Dr. Marom Bikson, called A Review of Hazards Associated with Exposure to Low Voltages. I hope you find it has value.
I wanted to pass along to you a report written by Dr. Marom Bikson, called A Review of Hazards Associated with Exposure to Low Voltages. I hope you find it has value.
This review summarizes peer reviewed papers, government reports, and regulatory group recommendations on hazards from electricity. A goal of this report is to determine a safe voltage level below which these hazards will not occur; the review emphasis is, therefore, on ˜extremely-low' voltage (<50 VRMS or 71 VPEAK) exposure. This report is divided into five main sections dealing with human exposure. SECTION I addresses the basic mechanisms by which electric current can affect biological tissue in a hazardous manner. SECTION II summarizes experimental research studies involving application of electric current to human subjects. SECTION III reviews the epidemiology and case reports of human electrocution. SECTION IV includes a summary of previous electrical safety standards. SECTION V includes the review conclusions for human exposure. An APPENDIX deals with the electrocution of dogs.
Review Scope
This review and its summary conclusions relate only to adverse effects of transdermal current exposure. This review is not concerned with electric shocks that cause no long-term hazardous effects (e.g. sensory sensations such as noxious stimulation and phosphenes). Moreover, this review does not include injuries that result from humans being startled by otherwise non-hazardous electrical current (e.g. falls) or interference with medical devices. This review only includes scientific reports which: 1) appeared in scientific journals; 2) include recommendations by a (inter)nationally recognized scientific organization; or 3) were sponsored by a government agency. This review does not address resuscitative measures, forensic diagnosis, or electric safety measures. Lightning strikes, high-voltage arcs, and electrical fires/explosions are not considered.
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