It's always our pleasure to give back to the industry as much as we can, whenever we can. Another one of these valuable resources is our Code Graphic and Question of the Day.
It's a great learning tool to review with your employees or colleagues. Use it as a topic of discussion each day in your safety meetings, at lunch or in the field.
Every single day a new Code Graphic and Code Quiz Question is introduced on this page:
Here's what you should know:
- We don't archive the graphics or questions, and we don't email them out, so you'll want to make sure you don't miss one!!!
- Bookmark the page on your favorite browser, so you can access the web page easily every day.
Here are the features:
Share on Facebook using the icon on the top right of the page.
Email it to a friend, using the icon on the top right of the page.
Print the page as a calendar! This is a great bonus feature - 3 full months display as a calendar on the top of the page, and there's a place for your daily schedule on the bottom.
If you have a comment or question about the graphic, you can email it to the technical team.
We'd love to hear from you about this feature and the ways you're using it: Send us your comments by clicking below on the link to Post a Comment.