Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Investigation into Counterfeits

In the electrical industry, counterfeits are estimated to be a multi-million-dollar problem.

On Sept. 19, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR and Eaton hosted an investigation of counterfeit electrical products. The recording is now available for all, as reported by Timothy Johnson of EC&M.
From circuit breakers that do not trip when they should to batteries without vents for built-up gases to grounding rods with only a fraction of the required copper coating, counterfeit electrical products fail to meet standards and pose risks of injury and even death. Furthermore, contractors may be liable if they install a counterfeit product, and for years, manufacturers have considered contractors the men and women on the front lines in the battle against counterfeiters.

Viewers will learn how to quickly identify at-risk and suspect packaging, extraneous marks and labeling, product modifications, and how counterfeit products are sold. Viewers will also learn how today's technology is being used to help contractors easily detect counterfeits in the marketplace, along with intuitive digital tools to assist contractors in the field.

Click here or on the image to view the recording.

  • What about the supply houses, reps, stc. that buy and resell these products? Surely they should be questioning who they are buying from, for example a Sq D circuit breaker that doesn't come from Sq D. An employee in the field picking up material from a supply house is supposed to detect a counterfit?

    Joe Vogerl  November 7 2018, 2:11 pm EST

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