Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Mike Holt's Favorite Motivational Videos

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There will be times throughout your life or your career when you feel motivated to pursue your goals, and then there will be periods when you get off track and need a "push". When that happens, you need to make a conscious effort to find what works for you personally, to re-set yourself and feel re-inspired. One really effective way is to watch inspirational videos.

I've created a page on my website to house my favorite motivational videos. The speakers are as varied as the topics, but they all do one thing - they show what you can achieve when you just put your mind to it!

To watch my favorite motivational videos click here.

We hope you find something meaningful in our selection. Please let us know what you think.


  • Why can't I opt out of these emails. When I touch unscribe it says this email is not subscribed to the emails. Yes I am! That's how I get there. I don't want them!!!!

    Jamie  November 2 2018, 11:48 am EDT

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