Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

A Chronological History of Electrical Development - From 600 B.C.

Have you ever considered the depth and span of electrical history?

This is a departure from our typical newsletter, but when we come across good reads, we like to share them in the hope that they will be of interest to you as well. This one is a 1946 publication, A Chronological History of Electrical Development from 600 B.C., published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Many in our industry might not realize just how far back electrical discoveries have been made, beginning with the discovery of static electricity over 2,600 years ago! This publication should spark your interest, from that earliest discovery of static electricity by rubbing cloth on amber, to the latest in electrical development (at the time) with a 2,000,000 volt x-ray tube being developed and commercially available.

Whether you're an installer or an instructor, new to the field or a tenured professional, the history of electrical discoveries and development is as fascinating as it is long, and it's cool to see just how much it has changed from the earliest days of electricity.

Enjoy this read, and let us know your thoughts by posting a comment!

  • During WOrld War Two years the New Haven RR and the Pennsylvaia RR shipped billions of ton-miles of freight and transported tens of miilion passenger-mile with un-supassed efficiency because these vital transportation routes were electrified with hi-tension A.C.

    Al Brecken  August 24 2018, 2:14 pm EDT

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