Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

LED Lighting Guide

We wanted to share with you a recommended, informative blog on LED Lighting, which features 7+ must-read LED lighting articles. Here's what they say:

The world of lighting, LED specifically, can get overwhelming for those that are not directly in the space. From lumens, to watts, efficacy, and more; jargon and terms aren't doing you any good if you don't know what they mean. Not only is it just about LED terms, but also general concepts, facts, and methods of LED lighting technology and the fundamentals that are important to understand to use LED to it's fullest potential. In this post, we've gather the 7+ "must read" LED lighting articles you should read if you want to understand LED lighting a bit more and be much better off when you dive into the industry and technology. Whether you are a facility manager, electrical contractor, or building owner; all of these articles we've gathered will certainly give some value and we hope you enjoy them all.S

Click here or on the image to access the blog and find links to articles to answer your questions on Lighting Language, LED Terms, LED vs CFL, LED vs Metal Halide, LED vs Flourescent Tubes, Lifespan and what effects it in LEDs.

  • good news

    juan a sanchez  February 22 2018, 1:59 am EST

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