Mike Holt's State Rating of the Electrical Industry - 2017  

As part of our ongoing focus on electrical safety, we annually update our report that assigns a grade to US States for electrical standards that are mandated state-wide.
How Does Your State Rank?


State-wide mandates considered. The following criteria are all required at the state level for points to be assigned for this report:

  • The NEC® edition adopted (current = 2017 NEC® issued on 8/4/2016)
  • Licensing/certification required for Apprentice, Journeyman, Master/Contractor, Inspector, and Engineer
  • Continuing Education (CEU or PDH) required for license renewal

What's not included in our report.

  • County and Municipality adoptions. We recognize that there are many local adoptions, and that in many cases county and municipalities adopt the most recent building and electrical codes ahead of their State. The scope of anything other than state-wide mandated requirements is beyond this report.
  • Enforcement or effectiveness. We are unaware of a way to track or correlate these scores with safety in terms of rates of incidents or accidents.


  • To Massachusetts for being an early adopter of the 2017 NEC.
  • To all those states, counties and local municipalities that continue to set high standards in electrical safety. There are 23 states that have started the review process for the adoption of the 2017 NEC.
  • "A" Ranking states: Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming.

We'd appreciate your feedback.

If you have any updated information that you feel would change our rankings on this year's report, please post your comment - we appreciate your input to help keep this analysis accurate and current.


For history and details of how grades are calculated, click here.

Note: All 12 points are required for an A+ grade. States that have not adopted a newer edition of the NEC or a new state requirement since the last report have dropped a grade.

State Grade 2013 Grade 2014 Grade 2015 Grade 2016 Grade 2017
Alabama C+ C C+ C+ C+
Alaska A+ A A A A
Arizona D F F F F
Arkansas A+ A+ A+ A+ A
California A- A- A- A- A-
Colorado B+ A A A A-
Connecticut B+ A- A- A- A-
District of Columbia C C+ C+ C+ C
Delaware A A- A- A- A
Florida B B- B B B-
Georgia B- B- B- B- C+
Hawaii C+ C C C C-
Idaho A- A A A A-
Illinois D+ D D D F
Indiana C- D+ D+ D+ D
Iowa A+ A A+ A+ A
Kansas D F F F F
Kentucky A A A A A-
Louisiana B- C+ C+ C+ C
Maine A+ A+ A+ A+ A
Maryland C+ C C C+ C
Massachusetts A A A A A
Michigan A- A A+ A+ A
Minnesota A+ A+ A+ A+ A
Mississippi D+ D D D F
Missouri D F F F F
Montana A A A A A-
Nebraska A A+ A+ A+ A
Nevada D+ D D D F
New Hampshire A- A- A- A- B+
New Jersey A A- A- A- A-
New Mexico A- A- A- A- B+
New York C- D+ D+ D+ C-
North Carolina B+ B B B B
North Dakota A+ A+ A+ A+ A
Ohio B+ B B+ B+ B
Oklahoma A A- A- A A-
Oregon A+ A+ A+ A+ A
Pennsylvania C+ C C C C-
Rhode Island A A A A A-
South Carolina B- B- B- B- B-
South Dakota A+ A+ A+ A+ A
Tennessee B- C+ C+ C+ C
Texas A- A- A- A- B+
Utah A+ A A A A
Vermont A A A A A-
Virginia A- A- A- A- B+
Washington A- A A A A-
West Virginia B B B B B
Wisconsin A- A- A- A- B+
Wyoming A+ A+ A+ A+ A


Click here for history and details of how the points are assigned.


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Copyright© Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. All Rights Reserved This article is protected by United States copyright laws and may not be published without prior written permission.
Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. 3604 Parkway Blvd. Suite 3 Leesburg, FL 34748 | 888.632.2633
"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." [Joshua 24:15]
  • Oregon has consistently had stringent licensing and enforcement requirements for years. We also have a dedicated Electrical Board comprised of people directly involved with the industry that reviews each new NEC and makes specific recommendations for adjustment and modification for the State.

    This has been both beneficial and detrimental - it took us a while to fully adopt AFCI requirements in full. But it also has led to more stringent requirements on things like using old, existing grounding electrodes of dubious efficacy.

    Historically we have usually adopted the newest code in April of that code year, but the last few have been in October, which is when we expect to get our Oregon version into effect.

    Eric Sherman  July 4 2017, 9:36 am EDT

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