Homeowner Sued for $25 Million Over California Wildfire  


Liability for faulty electrical work has reached new heights.

As electricians you make it your responsibility to do safe installations and repairs, but here's a great reason to educate your customers, and ensure that they understand that having old, unsafe, unchecked electrical work can hurt not only them, but others as well, and potentially have a huge financial impact on them.

Last month, the Federal government sued a homeowner for nearly $25 million, contending his negligence sparked a 2013 fire in the mountains east of Los Angeles. It's a fire that forced 5,000 people from their homes and endangered countless lives, including those of the firefighters that battled the blaze.

AP News report on 7/15: the lawsuit says that a short in a poorly maintained electrical junction box sparked a blaze in the San Jacinto Mountains above Palm Springs that charred more than 27,500 acres of brush and timber — about 43 square miles — and at one point threatened the town of Idyllwild.

Investigators determined that the lid of the plastic box containing wires was warped and ajar, the lawsuit said.

"As a result, an electrical discharge inside the box shot sparks and hot material out of the box and onto dry ground vegetation below," according to the lawsuit.

"Property owners and their agents have a responsibility to ensure that property under their control is maintained in a safe fashion," U.S. Attorney Eileen M. Decker said in a statement.

Read the full story.

Mike Holt's comment: This is crazy.





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Copyright© Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. All Rights Reserved This article is protected by United States copyright laws and may not be published without prior written permission.
Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. 3604 Parkway Blvd. Suite 3 Leesburg, FL 34748
"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." [Joshua 24:15]
  • We need a bigger ocean to fit more attorneys in, and electricians who cherish speed (ie:money) over quality. Why is the almighty dollar worth more to individuals than their reputation. Poor family, never saw it coming, but that electrician got his payday, or at least until the homeowners attorney gets a hold of him. I do agree that homeowners should take a more active role in the individuals they hire, but to notice a box with a warped cover. That is the equivalent of saying that we as contractors need to review all our tax filings and catch mistakes that we hire others to do. I think of myself as pretty good with reviewing items like the above, but i do get complacent with individuals who i have known and trusted for so long. I do private federal work and the prime contractor grades us on each project. Bad grades = no future invites. Safety and quality are paramount, not profits. make a little each time and a lot over the long run.

    Stephane  August 9 2016, 11:51 pm EDT

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