This article was posted 07/27/2006 and is most likely outdated.

Article 810 – Radio and Television Equipment

Subject - Article 810 – Radio and Television Equipment

July 27, 2006  

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Article 810 – Radio and Television Equipment


You requested it and we produced it! It’s Article 810 from Mike's Understanding the 2005 NEC Volume 2 textbook. This Article is now available as a stand-alone product for everyone who wants to focus on Radio and Television Equipment. We are offering this now as another free service from Mike Holt Enterprises! 


Although this Code article is entitled “Radio and Television Equipment,” it could just as well be called “Radio and Television Antennas.”  Article 810 deals with the installation of various types of outdoor antennas (multi-element TV antennas, satellite dishes, ham radio masts), and the lead-in conductors from these antennas to receiving equipment located inside buildings.


The primary concerns of Article 810 are maintaining adequate separation between different types of conductors, grounding and bonding, and lightning protection.  A good understanding of Article 810 safety requirements is critical for anybody involved with installing these types of communications systems.  Improperly installing radio and TV antennas and their associated wiring, can create serious risk of shock for people and damage to home entertainment equipment. 


It is always our pleasure to give back to the industry as much as we can, whenever we can and this is a perfect opportunity. If you’re interested in this subject, have a look and please give us your feedback.


As an extra bonus we also included Article 90 – Introduction to the NEC!


Click here or on the image above to download this free product now (10MG). Please be advised that this may take a few minutes to download depending on your internet connection speed. If you encounter a problem opening this file, be sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed on your system (click here).




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    Rod Merrill
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    Soon it was unavoidable. Graham laughed and nodded his head.

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