It's always our pleasure to give back to the industry as much as we can, whenever we can; so we want to share this free PDF publication with you.
The most important rules of the NEC are those rules that specifically address safe installations as they relate to electric shock and fire. In 2008 we created a textbook Illustrated Guide to Essential Rules of the National Electrical Code. It specifically addressed those rules and was written in response to the preventable deaths of the U.S. service personnel who served in Iraq and Afghanistan that were being shocked at military bases due to installations not compliant with the NEC. Mike wanted to isolate those rules that, if followed properly, would ensure safe installations.
This Free PDF is based on our newest edition of that book, and includes the Top 10 Rules as they relate to safe installations.
To access this free PDF click here or on the image to download. Feel free to share this Mike Holt Publication with colleagues or employees.
To purchase the complete book Mike’s Illustrated Guide to Essential Rules of the National Electrical Code, based on the 2014 NEC, click here.