This article was posted 06/21/2006 and is most likely outdated.

State Warns Of Faulty Satellite TV Installations

Topic - Grounding and Bonding
Subject - State Warns Of Faulty Satellite TV Installations

June 21, 2006  

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State Warns Of Faulty Satellite TV Installations


The largest Dish Network affiliate in the Midwest has agreed to inspect 6,700 systems installed between Rochester and St. Cloud -- including the Twin Cities -- for improper installation that may be a safety risk.

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry said Tuesday that Dish Network and Galaxy 1 Marketing of Bettendorf, Iowa, were cooperating after a random sampling of 100 installations showed 80 didn't meet the state's electrical code. The department said the improper installations increase the risk of lightning blowing out electronic gear, starting a fire or injuring people.

Officials said the systems were installed for Dish Network in 2004 and 2005. Labor and Industry spokesman James Honerman said no injuries or fires have been tied to the improperly installed systems. Faulty grounding was the most common problem, he said.

The inspections and necessary corrections will be done without cost to consumers. Honerman said the risk exists even if the satellite TV systems aren't being used.


Article from the Associated Press of St. Paul.

Mike Holt’s Comment: I am actually surprised that 20% of the installations were NEC compliant and I applaud the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry for their efforts. We can expect about the same NEC compliance (less than 20%) nationwide, and we can expect that same rate of compliance (less than 20%) for cable television (CATV) industry. To the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, please do a sample on the grounding practices of CATV industry, this might open your eyes even further. I hope that other states would consider this issue as well.

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  • I whole heartedly agree that the satellite industry needs a training book. I also agree that these system need to be properly grounded, but using scare tactics. Come on that\\\'s BS. For those of you like the State of MN that think grounding will prevent fires altogether (isn\\\'t that what they are saying) I\\\'ve got news it won\\\'t So telling people their house will catch fire, and their equipment will blow up is just another Government agency lying to it\\\'s citizens Shame on You MN. Tell the Truth that Grounding is for Shock protection, static bleed, and does have some affect at lightning arrest, but it doesn\\\'t guarantee you won\\\'t have damage due to lightning. But the burning house has a greater affect that\\\'s why they use it eh?

    The Timinator
  • Reply from: Mike Holt   
    I personally think that the State of NM is doing a great job in alerting the industry. We have a serious problem with the proper grounding of communications systems, and if they are not properly grounded, there is a much great likelihood of a fire from a lightning event that doesn't hit the home.

    I hope that other states take similar action.

    Reply from: Joel   
    Has there ever been a documented case of a house fire or personal injury due to a properly or even an improperly grounded satellite dish? I'd be curious to see any statistics.

    Reply from: The Timinator   
    Please explain further. This is completely untrue Mike. Yes there is a serious problem with grounding in this industry. Grounding is very important, but I have seen many lightning strikes that came in destryed the TV, satellite recever. The Fridge. The switch for the reciever. This came in from the powerline. Oh it fried the satellite system to. I have seen systems that were not grounded, and the same thing happened. Explain that. Again I don't disagree with making the system complient, but lying is unacceptable. This is ludacris that You and MN think that this will actully stop a fire. It can happen anyway whether it is grounded, or not. It's possible it may reduce it somewhat, but why not just say that.

    Reply from: The Timinator   
    MN is doing a disgrace to the community by lying they are not helping, but hurting this cause. That is the true tragedy here. I hope other States take action, but are honest about it, and tell of the shock hazard. Tell them it is nessesary for a Static, and Noise bleed. This crap agravates me to no end.

    Reply from: The Timinator   
    Nothing can prevent damage from a direct lightning strike. But grounding with proper surge protection can help reduce damage to satellite and other equipment from nearby lightning strikes.

    I just found this in your words. Why not tell this to the people. Reduce being the key word. They are saying that it will prevent it. That is completely false

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