Electrical Safety  



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We’re constantly getting requests for advice and recommendations about electrical safety, and want to make those resources available to you in one place on our website - not only 70E, but also general knowledge for safety in the workplace.

Attended a good safety class recently? Seen a good video or document? If you have a great resource you’d like to share, please comment below or send an email to

  • Safety class
  • Reference books
  • Websites
  • Videos
  • Training DVDs
  • PDFs
  • Other….

We’ll follow up on this newsletter once we’ve had a chance to process the feedback and put the links on our Safety webpage.





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Copyright© Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. All Rights Reserved This article is protected by United States copyright laws and may not be published without prior written permission.
Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. 3604 Parkway Blvd. Suite 3 Leesburg, FL 34748
"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." [Joshua 24:15]
  • and....try NOT to be "that guy"

    Richard Sanders  January 14 2016, 10:25 am EST
  • Reply from: Richard Sanders   January 14 2016, 10:27 am EST
    Mostly...because "THAT guy" tends to do stuff like this:

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