There Are No Excuses Not To Be Great

There Are No Excuses Not To Be Great


Many of you have heard of Stephen Hawking and recognize his iconic computer voice. He’s a Physicist, a Scientist, and a genius that suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis which has left him almost entirely paralyzed.


Despite his debilitating illness he has achieved greatness. Image


‘The Theory of Everything’ which comes to theaters Nov. 7 tells the story of his life.


Mike Holt Comment: Watching this trailer brought me to tears for so many different reasons. I hope you will make it a point to see this movie and realize your own potential for greatness. I pray it inspires you to overcome your obstacles and realize that excuses should not be a part of your equation.


Click here or on the image to watch the trailer.

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  • While members of the electrical construction trade are not expected to have background in contemporary cosmology, it is disappointing that a supposed trade professional cannot extend their self to self-educate and deepen one's understanding of existence. Hawkins has neither disallowed or supported a deity. He has, in fact, offered some math that specifically pointed to a Supreme Being; and has clearly stated the uncertainty of human knowledge. I would point to the equations, but you probably would not see...

    Brian  November 1 2014, 5:07 pm EDT

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