This article was posted 05/31/2006 and is most likely outdated.

Conduit Bending Video and Free Manual

Subject - Conduit Bending Video and Free Manual

May 31, 2006  

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Conduit Bending Video and Free Manual


We’ve been on the look out recently for a free conduit bending manual and we found one that we’d like to pass on to the rest of you.

Free - How to Bend Conduit with a Hand Bender – Manual

This 14 page booklet is designed to be used with the video “How to Bend Conduit With a Hand Bender.” The booklet covers the examples in the video, and also includes more examples using different measurements, angles and calculations. It has been designed to give you a complete understanding of how all of these things work together. It uses simple, non-technical language.

Click Here to download manual.


While it would be possible for someone to learn this skill simply from this manual, it would require imagination. However, when it is used in conjunction with the video, it will prove to be a useful study aid and help the reader learn to bend conduit.

How to Bend Conduit with a Hand Bender – Video

This instructional video describes the basic techniques and calculations an electrician needs to know in order to bend EMT. It is designed to help a beginner learn this important skill rapidly. On screen graphics easily explain the calculations and highlight important concepts. It is 80 minutes long and is great for the apprentice electrician, and even as a review for a journeyman.

There is also an additional advanced video that is the next logical step to the first lesson described above.


If you’d like to purchase BOTH videos (How to Bend Conduit with a Hand Bender and Advanced – How to Bend Conduit with a Hand Bender) there’s also a special discount for purchasing them both at the same time.


Click here for more details and pricing. There’s free shipping until July 4th, 2006.

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  • Thanks again Mike. I've probably bent thousands of feet But, we all get messy when we're in a hurry.. I'll re-read the basics and I'm sure my next bends will be cleaner and straighter. Thanks to Mike Again.

    Jim Beck

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