This article was posted 08/05/2013 and is most likely outdated.

Mike Holt - Code Forum Recap July 2013
Code Forum Recap - July 2013

Mike Holt's Code Forum - July 2013
Top 30 New Topics

Another great resource from Mike Holt Enterprises! The following is a list of the top topics discussed on our code forum in the past month. Simply click on any topic that interests you to read or join in the discussion. If you’re not already registered as a code forum member, click here to sign up now!

1: do we really need AFCIs with 105 replies in the NEC forum
2: Combination circuit help with 82 replies in the Education forum
3: Disecting article 300.5(I) of the NEC with 49 replies in the NEC forum
4: motor rated breakers with 48 replies in the NEC forum
5: House with potential fire issue with 45 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
6: Swimming Pool Water Bonding with 41 replies in the NEC forum
7: rate work with 40 replies in the Business Management / Estimating forum
8: Paralleling Switchgear Short Circuit Rating with 38 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
9: Are Kirchoffs Law and Ohms Law interchangeable? with 34 replies in the Education forum
10: Bending 3/4" rgs with 33 replies in the Business Management / Estimating forum
11: Buchanon or barrel crimp sleave wire connector with 31 replies in the NEC forum
12: Trough Fill with 30 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
13: 220.14 (D) Luminaires question with 28 replies in the NEC forum
14: micro wave tap 210.19 with 27 replies in the NEC forum
15: Vendor VS POCO... both are correct... with 27 replies in the NEC forum
16: Where is the armature? with 27 replies in the Education forum
17: car battery with 27 replies in the Low Voltage and Limited Energy forum
18: Electrical Estimating with 26 replies in the Business Management / Estimating forum
19: GFCI's and current imbalance with 25 replies in the Education forum
20: GFCI circuit for pool lights trip when turned OFF ??? with 24 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
21: Is it time to hire some help? with 23 replies in the Business Management / Estimating forum
22: stubbing out uf cable for an outdoor receptacle with 23 replies in the NEC forum
23: Service Rating with 23 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
24: MWBC Disconnect with 23 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
25: Refrigeration Load with 23 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
26: 2 pole GFIC? with 22 replies in the NEC forum
27: Residential Cooktop and double oven Compliant? Practical? with 22 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
28: Total amps of feeders with 22 replies in the Electrical Calculations / Engineering forum
29: Satellite cabling with 21 replies in the Low Voltage and Limited Energy forum
30: Power and low voltage same raceway with 21 replies in the Business Management / Estimating forum


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  • is bx in lengths longer than 5 feet allowed in a commercial building according to code or is that just city of chicago code.

    mike ohara  August 7 2013, 8:12 am EDT

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