This article was posted 05/07/2012 and is most likely outdated.

Mike Holt - Practical Electrical Theory Video Team Member Needed – Become a Movie Star!
Practical Electrical Theory Video Team Member Needed – Become a Movie Star!

Practical Electrical Theory Video Team Member Needed – Become a Movie Star!

If you teach or have extensive knowledge in Practical Electrical Theory as it applies to the National Electrical Code then you might qualify to become a video team member for the upcoming video recording for this topic in January 2013.


If selected, your travel and lodging expenses will be covered and your photo and bio will be included in the textbook.

If you are interested, please complete and Email Mike Holt the following:

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Years of experience in Practical Electrical Theory:
Why you would like to be on the team:
What value would you bring to the team:
Practical Electrical Theory qualifications:

If you’d like to view a video clip from the last Theory video recording please click here. And feel free to browse all of the clips that the Mike Holt YouTube channel has to offer.

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  • I really like the clips! There is a lot of technical information basic and a little more. Thanks.

    Luis Carpena  May 8 2012, 9:18 am EDT

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